Overseas Recruitments
Being India's one of the recognized manpower consultant,Amaan Travels Solution Pvt. Ltd has become the ideal choice of leading companies throughout the world. Who wish to recruit professional human resources from India. Our quick and efficient services have established us at the forefront in the field of global talent search our process for recruitment includes many key features to provide the best possible solutions.
Scientifically approved selection process, which is monitored by industry specialists and consultants to ensure our client get the best fit candidates. The company has been recognized as the most resourceful entity in manpower consultancy across various industries with multiple candidate profile. The company’s core expertise in manpower consultancy is powered by the following cutting-edge advantages:
- Proactive & ethical approach.
- Identification and understanding the needs of each industry.
- Commitment in provision of manpower in specific timeframe.
- Quick and dynamic execution of cumbersome formalities.
- Transparency in operations and professional code of conduct.
- Ensured quality, confidentially and client loyalty.
- Competitively cost effective.
Right from understanding the pulse of an employer to a successful deployment of the perfect candidate for the same. Amaan Travels Solution Private Limited is a one stop solution to understand and execute every step in a swift and successful recruitment drive
To initiate an official overseas recruitment from India, a foreign employer must register itself under the Indian Embassy by submitting all the required documents and thus generating a FE (Foreign Employer) log in identification number and a password. The Foreign Employer, through the above mentioned Log in ID and password can access the Government of India website, www.emigrate.gov.in, and raise a demand in favor of Amaan Travels Solution Private Limited. Once a Foreign Employer raises a valid demand as per the above mentioned process, we at Amaan Travels Solution Private Limited receive an email from the Government of India about the demand raised in our favor. We acknowledge the same and initiate by sourcing the candidates.
Further, as per the Indian law, the Foreign Employer needs to execute three documents in the favor of the Recruiter (Amaan Travels Solution Private Limited)
Once through the formalities, we immediately engage in the subsequent steps mentioned here in below:
1. Power of Attorney:
To authorize Amaan Travels Solution Private Limited to represent in various Government Departments and Consulates / Embassies of the respective countries on the behalf of the Foreign Employer.
2. Demand Letter:
To fulfill the demand of the Foreign Employer as per their requirement. A Foreign Employer can mention additional terms and conditions as per their company policy in the Demand Letter.
3. Employment Contract:
The contract between the foreign employer and the candidate as per the terms and conditions of the Demand Letter.
On receipt of confirmed job orders and exact job descriptions of required categories, we at Amaan Travels Solution Private Limited provide a custom made recruitment plan for every demand, depending upon the above mentioned peculiarities rather than a standard cycle of operations. Our operations team consists of experienced and polished HR professionals.
Our team of expert recruiters gets designated as per the project requirement to submit required shortlisted resumes as per the schedule with the help of our exclusive
databank, best available job portals and advertise the required categories in leading newspapers on an all India basis and also source the candidate through Head Hunting. Our specialized recruitment mangers test the responding candidates for their skills matching the job description and trade test if required.
Preliminary interviews are conducted by our expert recruitment managers to provide the right candidate to the interview panel and to ensure that in limited time the best candidates are targeted. Competent logistic staff to support the entire administrative activities such as medical, trade tests, emigration, visa processing & instant reservations, excellent network with GCC consulate / embassies for speedy processing.